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  • Variational quantum state eigensolver

    Variational quantum state eigensolver

    We introduce a near-term algorithm for extracting the eigenvalues and eigenvalues of a density matrix, with application to error mitigation, entanglement spectroscopy, and principal component analysis (PCA). PCA is an important primitive in big-data analysis. Previous quantum algorithms for PCA are difficult to implement on NISQ computers. Here, we propose an algorithm that minimizes both […]

  • Faster simulation of quantum circuits

    Faster simulation of quantum circuits

    We find non-trivial upper bounds to the cost of strong simulation of quantum circuits using T-gate magic states (a common method for classically simulating quantum circuits). We break through a long-standing barrier that has been hindering the quantum information community from answering a fundamental open problem of broad interest: how slowly can the exponential cost of simulating […]

  • Digital quantum simulation for quantum control problems

    Digital quantum simulation for quantum control problems

    We introduce a hybrid quantum algorithm for the problem of designing shaped electromagnetic fields to optimally control molecular systems. The algorithm could be used on future quantum computers to design optimal fields for coherently controlling molecular transformations relevant to chemical, biological, and materials applications.  For details see “Digital quantum simulation of molecular dynamics and control” […]